Fame | George Hotz net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

Publish date: 2024-06-29

How old is George Hotz? When is George Hotz's birthday? Where is George Hotz born? Where did George Hotz grow up from? What's George Hotz's age?

George Hotz Born: 1989 (age 34years), Glen Rock, NJ

How about George Hotz's other_name?

George Hotz Other_name: geohot, tomcr00se

How about George Hotz's notabl_work?

George Hotz Notabl_work: Jailbreak, comma.ai, tinygrad

How about George Hotz's parents?

George Hotz Parents: Marie Minichiello, George Hotz, Sr.

How about George Hotz's education?

George Hotz Education: Center for Talented Youth, Rochester Institute of Technology, Bergen County Academies

How about George Hotz's nationality?

George Hotz Nationality: American

Why is George Hotz famous?

Instead, as George Hotz claims, he is leaving the company he founded because it is "no longer a racecar, but a boat, and steering a boat requires too much damn planning and patience." That was George's favorite Rick and Morty quote, and it refers to the fact that he wants to do something different with a company that ...

Is George Hotz self taught?

Instead, as George Hotz claims, he is leaving the company he founded because it is "no longer a racecar, but a boat, and steering a boat requires too much damn planning and patience." That was George's favorite Rick and Morty quote, and it refers to the fact that he wants to do something different with a company that ...

Why did George Hotz leave comma?

Instead, as George Hotz claims, he is leaving the company he founded because it is "no longer a racecar, but a boat, and steering a boat requires too much damn planning and patience." That was George's favorite Rick and Morty quote, and it refers to the fact that he wants to do something different with a company that ...
