Backyard Wrestling | Page 2
But, I absolutely despise the acts of those that go out there and put on a smash fest instead of a wrestlefest and find delight in it. I can't believe people enjoy smashing each other with light tubes, bleeding, jumping off roofs, landing on thumbtacks and barbed wire the whole match and turn around and tell themselves and/or parents they love it. That is not even wrestling without even pulling off couple of professionally trained moves in at least, a tidy environment because as we know and how it has been years ago, BYW was presented in a trashy atmosphere. Although, however, we've come to see some better out of BYW. Cleaner areas, mat bases, tramp bases, and pro ring bases.
I've watched a BYW federation from 2006 to present entitled XBW Wrestling. They are a mattress federation that began in the Fall of 1999 (as just young kids) created by their leader (cause he was eldest) named Nemesis (character name) aka Michael (real name) who was killed in a bicycle accident at 17 that had his friends and brother continue the fed in tribute to him and entitled one of their supercards dedicated to him as In Memory Of...
Futhermore, XBW (google it) is nearing an official end as soon as they post their remaining episodes of their last season in which after they will release a DVD of their federation through a production company. They managed to be very successful with previously over a record of 100+ members/fans on their forums and had the acquirement of over 30+ wrestlers throughout the years. The one thing with them was that they wrestled safely on a mattress and maintained their fed mainly due to their characters, storyline, feuds and overall flashes of humor in between. The wrestling was also good on most occassions. They aren't dangerously crazy as some feds are which wrestlers take extremely physical and life-threatening bumps on hard surfaces. XBW plays it safe simultaneously with producing entertainment and is mainly why I found respect for BYW.
So where I'm getting at are there are some federations that value their safety and protect it and not just recklessly, idiotically jeopardize (or potentially) their well-being which in the end, labels BYW a pretty bad name.
On a side note, there is also a BYW phenomenon site that has been launched since 2006 playing host to several of them out there within an intercommunity that goes by GBYWN, Global Backyard Wrestling News. Check it out if interested: Lots of feds, some with potential talent.